FAIRFIELD, IA – April 11, 2024 — Cambridge congratulates President, Growth and Development Jeff Vivacqua on his appointment to the position of Chairman of the Board of Directors at the Invest in Others Charitable Foundation (Invest in Others), a nonprofit organization helping financial professionals support charitable causes in their communities. Vivacqua was named to the position at an Invest in Others Board meeting in March and succeeds John Hyland, who will continue his work with the organization as the Immediate Past Chair.
“It’s an honor and privilege for me to serve as Chairman of the Board for an organization I have such a deep passion for,” Vivacqua said. “John has provided outstanding leadership for more than ten years. I look forward to our continued partnership on this journey, along with our tremendous staff, to drive further engagement and impact while enhancing the philanthropic efforts of financial professionals across the country.”
Vivacqua brings nearly 30 years of experience in the financial services industry and has been a dedicated and active member of the Invest in Others Board since 2016. In his position as President of Growth and Development at Cambridge, Vivacqua is focused on building strategic opportunities centered on organic growth, acquisitions, recruiting, and relationship management, while enhancing and expanding the digital resources financial professionals need.
The inspiration behind the Invest in Others Charitable Foundation came directly from financial professionals who invest in others by giving back to their communities with generosity and dedication. The organization provides a platform for financial professionals to make an impact on the causes they care about — channeling the philanthropy and volunteerism of the finance industry to make a difference where it’s needed most. Since its founding in 2006, Invest in Others has amplified these efforts by supporting financial professionals with awareness, visibility, and funding for their favorite nonprofits.
About the Invest in Others Charitable Foundation
The Invest in Others 501(c)(3) Charitable Foundation is supported by the financial services industry to amplify the charitable work of financial advisors, employees, and their firms. Invest in Others is a catalyst to channel philanthropy and volunteerism to where it is needed most. For more information, visit investinothers.org.
About Cambridge
Cambridge is a financial solutions firm focused on serving independent financial professionals and their clients while preserving its internal control. Cambridge offers a broad range of choices for independent financial professionals regarding solutions for advice, growth, technology, and independence. Cambridge’s national reach includes: Cambridge Investment Research Advisors, Inc. – a large corporate RIA; and Cambridge Investment Research, Inc. – an independent broker-dealer, member FINRA/SIPC, that is among the largest internally controlled independent broker-dealers in the country. Learn more at JoinCambridge.com.
Contact: Jeff Wulf, Senior Vice President, Cambridge: jeff.wulf@cir2.com or 800-777-6080
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Securities offered through Cambridge Investment Research, Inc., a broker-dealer, member FINRA/SIPC, and investment advisory services offered through Cambridge Investment Research Advisors, Inc., a Registered Investment Adviser. Both are wholly-owned subsidiaries of Cambridge Investment Group, Inc.