Peter, along with his wife Marilyn, founded Mersberger Financial Group, Inc. in 1994. Peter received a bachelor’s degree in education from the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh. He holds FINRA Series 6, 7, 63, 65, and life, health, and disability insurance licenses. He also has a Life Underwriters Training Council Fellow® (LUTCF) designation. Peter specializes in financial planning, educational presentations, and strategic firm direction. Outside of work, Peter enjoys spending time with family, fishing, hunting, skiing, hiking, snowshoeing, traveling, and waterskiing.
Mersberger Financial Group, Inc. has four locations in Wisconsin: Sheboygan Falls, Appleton, Sheboygan, and Mequon. Peter and his team are committed to helping clients organize all areas of their financial lives. They pride themselves on client service, as well as their dedication to maintaining high ethical standards.
Integrity, commitment, flexibility, and kindness are at the core of Cambridge’s values and drive the Spirit of Cambridge. Join our host, Cambridge CEO Amy Webber, for each Cambridge Stronger episode as she invites independent financial professionals to offer insight on how they integrate values and purpose in their care for their investing clients; and hear their stories on how they got their start as well as why they are in the advice profession.
The opinions expressed are those of the interviewees and do not represent the opinions or views of the interviewer and/or Cambridge.
Get our succession strategy outlining Cambridge’s commitment to internal control and preserving the independence of the financial advisors we serve.
Celebrating our 40th anniversary, we recognize it has always been about the people. Watch how Eric Schwartz, Founder and Co-Chairman of the Board, just wanted to build something wonderful.
Cambridge Stronger is a podcast series hosted by Cambridge CEO and Co-Chairman of the Board, Amy Webber. It is produced by Cambridge – a financial solutions firm where culture counts and values matter most.