FAIRFIELD, IA – April 17, 2023 – Cambridge is pleased to announce Peter Bacchiocchi of G9 Financial in Millbury, Massachusetts was named a winner of an InvestmentNews ‘See It, Be It’ award as part of the publication’s 2023 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion awards program. Bacchiocchi was one of several selections made by an InvestmentNews judging panel that analyzed candidates based on their ability to inspire others from diverse backgrounds to succeed in the financial services industry. Bacchiocchi was profiled in the April 17 print and digital edition of InvestmentNews magazine.
“We are incredibly happy for Peter,” said Cambridge CEO Amy Webber. “The work he’s done, and continues to do, in the area of diversity and inclusion has made a difference in his community and has impacted so many lives. Peter is a great representation of our core values, and we’re thrilled that he was recognized with this well-deserved award.”
Now in its fifth year, the InvestmentNews Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Awards recognize individuals and firms that have made an impact on the financial services industry through innovative diversity-enhancing programs, leadership, and willingness to share experiences and contributions with their communities. The ‘See It, Be It’ award is one of three nomination categories for individuals, and honors financial professionals who have been effective role models for individuals and bring diversity to the industry. A look at award winners and finalists across all categories can be found here.
“I’m honored to be recognized alongside so many of my peers who are working to make the industry we love a more inclusive place,” said Bacchiocchi. “My passion for DE&I really boils down to creating a world where everybody is and feels included, regardless of race, ethnicity, or beliefs. I’m thankful to InvestmentNews for their work in the area of diversity and inclusion and for sponsoring these important awards.”
Bacchiocchi, who is a member of Cambridge’s DE&I Advisory Council, is a Vice President of Operations and a Financial Consultant at G9 Financial. In the late 1990s, he developed and led a team at Patriot Financial Group that specifically helped parents of children with special needs organize and plan their financial future. Under his direction, the special needs planning unit became one of the top producing team at the firm.
Bacchiocchi later became involved with the Worcester Pride Association in Worcester and was eventually elected Board President. He and his team have worked with several organizations in the community to improve their Human Rights Campaign (HRC) Corporate Equality Index (CEI) scores. He continues to consult with local organizations, and is a Director at Open Sky Community Services, a large nonprofit human services organization that provides support programs to the developmentally delayed population and others (LGBTQ+ youth, homeless, and more) in Worcester and Central Massachusetts.
Bacchiocchi also appeared on Episode 158 of the Cambridge Stronger podcast alongside Peggy Haslach of Finity Group to share why he’s passionate about diversity and inclusion.
About Cambridge
Cambridge is a financial solutions firm focused on serving independent financial professionals and their clients while preserving its internal control. Cambridge offers a broad range of choices for independent financial professionals regarding solutions for advice, growth, technology, and independence. Cambridge’s national reach includes: Cambridge Investment Research Advisors, Inc. – a large corporate RIA; and Cambridge Investment Research, Inc. – an independent broker-dealer, member FINRA/SIPC, that is among the largest internally controlled independent broker-dealers in the country.
About InvestmentNews
InvestmentNews is a leading source for news, analysis and information essential to the financial advisory community. Since 1998, the publication has educated, informed, and engaged financial advisors across the country using its weekly newspaper, website, newsletters, research, events, social media, videos and webcasts. InvestmentNews provides exclusive and up-to-the-minute news, as well as actionable intelligence, that empowers financial advisors to serve their clients and run their businesses more effectively.
Contact: Jeff Wulf, Senior Vice President, Cambridge: jeff.wulf@cir2.com or 800-777-6080
Securities offered through Cambridge Investment Research, Inc., a broker-dealer, member FINRA/SIPC, and investment advisory services offered through Cambridge Investment Research Advisors, Inc., a Registered Investment Adviser. Both are wholly owned subsidiaries of Cambridge Investment Group, Inc. G9 Financial and Cambridge are not affiliated.
Please contact Cambridge’s Public Relations Team at publicrelations@cir2.com for news media inquiries, executive speaking engagements, industry sponsorship opportunities, media planning, and community involvement.
Securities offered through Cambridge Investment Research, Inc., a broker-dealer, member FINRA/SIPC, and investment advisory services offered through Cambridge Investment Research Advisors, Inc., a Registered Investment Adviser. Both are wholly-owned subsidiaries of Cambridge Investment Group, Inc.