“Cambridge’s journey, and I would stress the word journey, is the way I think everyone needs to become accustomed to thinking about digitization of their industry, or of their own use of technology to be more digital in nature,” Graham said.
With more than 25 years of experience in product development, consulting services, and business development across a variety of markets, Nick Graham is making a splash in the financial services industry. Nick, who originally saw himself as a developer early in his career, was named Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of the Year at WealthManagement.com’s 2021 Industry Awards. As Cambridge’s CTO, Nick explains the importance of the journey; not only understanding where you are, but knowing what steps you need to take in order to get where you want to be. Tune into Episode 155: The Journey to Digitization, to hear Nick discuss:
How he plans to use his platform as CTO of the Year
The key to digital transformation
What financial professionals can expect as digitization continues
Advice for anyone looking to join the financial services industry
Listen to the full episode to learn more about Nick’s journey!
Executive Vice President and Chief Technology Officer
Member, Board of Directors and Executive Council
Nick Graham joined Cambridge in 2017, bringing with him over 25 years of experience in product development, consulting services, and business development across a variety of markets, including the financial services industry. In his current role, Graham leads one of the most innovative financial professional workstations in the industry, featuring financial professional-friendly technology that is customizable for the broadest range of independent business models across financial professional business channels. Graham was named Chief Technology Officer of the Year by WealthManagement.com at the 2021 Industry Awards. He earned a Bachelor of Science degree from Clemson University.
Integrity, commitment, flexibility, and kindness are at the core of Cambridge’s values and drive the Spirit of Cambridge. Join our host, Cambridge CEO Amy Webber, for each Cambridge Stronger episode as she invites independent financial professionals to offer insight on how they integrate values and purpose in their care for their investing clients; and hear their stories on how they got their start as well as why they are in the advice profession.
The opinions expressed are those of the interviewees and do not represent the opinions or views of the interviewer and/or Cambridge.
Get our succession strategy outlining Cambridge’s commitment to internal control and preserving the independence of the financial advisors we serve.
Celebrating our 40th anniversary, we recognize it has always been about the people. Watch how Eric Schwartz, Founder and Co-Chairman of the Board, just wanted to build something wonderful.
Cambridge Stronger is a podcast series hosted by Cambridge CEO and Co-Chairman of the Board, Amy Webber. It is produced by Cambridge – a financial solutions firm where culture counts and values matter most.